Investigación / Aspectos morales


Año Palabras clave Título Autor
2019 Self-plagiarism. Text recycling. Academic misconduct. The extent and causes of academic text recycling or ‘self-plagiarism’ Horbach, S.P.J.M.(Serge) & Halffman, W.(Willem).
2019 Misconduct in medical research. Scientific stigmatization. Guilt by association: How scientific misconduct harms prior collaborators Katrin Hussingera. & Maikel Pellensb.
2019 Scientific accountability. Scientific misconduct. Scientific misconduct and accountability in teams Hussinger, Katrin. & Pellens, Maikel.
2019 Plagiarism. Academic integrity. Plagiarism detectors are a crutch, and a problem Debora Weber-Wulff.
2018 Retractions. Scientific oversight. Rethinking retractions Jeffrey Brainard
2018 Retractions. Scientific fraud. About these data Jeffrey Brainard
2018 Professional ethics. Scientific misconduct. Nine pitfalls of research misconduct C. K. Gunsalus & Aaron D. Robinson.
2018 Harassment. Scientific misconduct. Harassment should count as scientific misconduct Erika Marín-Spiotta
2016 Plagiarism. Ethical responsibility. Scientific misconduct. Intellectual theft: pitfalls and consequences of plagiarism Traniello, James F. A. & Bakker, Theo C. M.
2016 Authority. Misconduct, Priority journal (Caso de estudio). “How to survive as a whistle-blower”, en Nature Jobs 2016; 532:405 Michael Doran
2016 Plagio. Ética académica. Plagio académico Catalina Inclán, Fausta Gantús, Javier Yankelevich y Héctor Vera
2016 Investigación científica. Ética profesional.Arbitraje científico. “El plagio académico en la investigación científica: consideraciones desde la óptica del investigador de alto nivel”, en Perfiles Educativos 38(153):120-135 Mónica Hernández Islas
2016 Lead Author. Scientific Legacy. Building Reputation. “Reaching out for scientific legacy: how to define authorship in academic publishing”, en The Science of Nature 2016;103(1-2):10 Sven Thatje
2016 Plagiarism. Scientific ethics. Prevention of scientific misconduct. “Scientific Misconduct”, en Annual Review of Psychology 2016; 67:693-711 Charles Gross
2015 Science-Moral and Ethical Aspects. Royal Society. High quality scientific research. “Unconscious bias” Uta Frith
2014 Ethics of scientific authorship “Awarding the distinction of authorship on a scientific paper”, en Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 2014;117( 3-4):270-272 Mark A. Schneegurt
2014 Science-Moral and Ethical Aspects “Critical Issues in the Teaching of Responsible Writing”, en Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 2014;15(2):103-107 Miguel Roig
2014 Plagiarism “Editorial: Plagiarism is for losers”, en Software Testing Verification and Reliability 2015;25(1):1-3 Jeff Offutt
2014 Science-Moral and Ethical Aspects “The integrity Mindset: an obligation to Ourselves and others”, en Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 2014;15(2):120-123 C.K. Gunsalus
2014 Science-Moral and Ethical Aspects. LGBT. “Pride in Science: The sciences can be a sanctuary for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals, but biases may still discourage many from coming out”, en Nature 2014;513(7518):297-300 Mitchell Waldrop
2014 Science-Social Responsability “Socially Responsible Science is More than ‘Good Science’”, en Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 2014;15(2):169-172 Stephanie J. Bird
2014 Authorship. Code of Ethics. “What constitutes authorship? COPE Discussion Document” Cope Council
2013 Plagiarism, Misrepresentation. Research Ethics. “Paraphrasing, plagiarism, and misrepresentation in scientific writing”, en Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 2013;116(3-4):157-167 Mark E. Eberle
2013 Plagiarism-Whistle Blowers “Responding to anonymus whistle blowers: COPE Discussion Document” Virginia Barbour
2012 Scientifica Misconduct. Retractions. “Misconduct is the main cause of life-sciences retractions: opaque announcements in journals can hide fraud, study finds”, en Nature 2012; 490(7418):21 Zoë Corbyn
2012 Authorship “Who"s on first?: when scientists collaborate on an experiment and a paper, it can be hard to decide who gets the credit and how much”, en Nature 2012;489:591-593 Amber Dance
2011 Science-Moral and Ethical Aspects For the record: American Scientists Essays on Scientific Publication Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
2011 Misconduct. Plagiarism. “How should editors respond to plagiarism? COPE Discussion Document” Elizabeth Wagner/COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)